Author Paris Humble, Health Coach, and Ecstatic Dance Instructor of New Wave Ecstatic Dance.

  • How Does Chlorine Dioxide Work in the body?

    If we start with the premise that “it is really the body that cures disease and heals damage,” then we can say that MMS, Miracle Mineral Solution, therapy really does not cure anything.  It is only a tool that supplies the immune system with a deadly tool that it can use. When using the MMS,  Chlorine…

  • Antidotes And Dietary Hacks

    For Chlorine Dioxide, ClO2: If you take too large of a dose of ClO2 and is overly nauseous, drink as much cold water as possible with 1000 MGs of vitamin C.   If you use Vitamin C do not use Baking Soda or Alka-Seltzer. Or use Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda) can also act as a…

  • When Your Problem Doesn’t Clear Up Right Away

    Many say, “ I have been taking the Chlorine Dioxide for weeks and if it I up the dose I get diarrhea badly.”  My Dad says Chlorine Dioxide is the strongest oxidizer known.  And that is all it is.  It only oxidizes and nothing else.  So if your body has a lot of unhealthy material…

  • Side Effects of Chlorine Dioxide

    Many people think that doing treatments is always smooth sailing.  Well not always, unless you take it slow and easy which makes for a longer healing window. Many people don’t want to wait it out and preferred to take the herxheimer reactions all up front and will forgo the many side effects because they don’t…

  • Why Chlorine Dioxide?

    It is called health! Don’t you suspect that Old Tyme Remedies were effective? Easy on the budget?  Fairly quick on the recovery?  Maybe, it makes sense to try it first? Perhaps to have a daily ritual of use to keep the body at its optimal best? With all the pollutants we know exist, we mistakenly…

  • Dementia/Alzheimers Help

    Have you ever had a situation where people were saying you were not doing something, and you know you were? I was always a conscientious worker. Prompt and timely when it came to deadlines, projects, and meetings. Co-workers and my employer were noticing my disappearance from appointments due to my tardiness. My absenteeism was becoming…

  • Suck It up!

    The most extreme side effect of Chlorine Dioxide is the repulsion to the product either by taste or even smell.  Why does this occur for some? For Some is from past experiences of extreme discomfort like taking gulps of pool water and for others, it is the taste or the smell of chlorine. The extreme…

  • Under Construction

    Welcome to Paris Humble’s web site. Please excuse the current status as we are under construction, new site rolling out soon. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  Paris Humbe is the daughter of Jim Humble and author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration. She is an experienced Health…

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